The Empirical Economics Letters

A Monthly International Journal of Economics


ISSN 1681-8997


Indexed in EconLit and included in Cabell's Directory



               Volume 18                                     Number 1                                             January 2019



Causality between Energy Consumption, CO2 Emission, Population Growth and Economic Growth in Thailand: A Multivariate Approach

Erasmus L. Owusu



Comparison of the Influence of the International Price Of Soybean, Exchange Rate and Kandir Law on the Exported Quantity of Soybeans in Mato Grosso, Brazil: 1989-2015

Manoel Jorge Axkar de Saboia Campos and Benedito Dias Pereira



A Study on the Attributes of Travel Website and the Advertising Communication Effect- Simulation of Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling

Ping-Chien Lan, Jen-Son Cheng



Corporate Social Responsibility and Sales Performance of the Firm: A Panel Data Analysis for Indian Scenario 

B. Venkatraja



Government’s Consumption and Investment: To Improve or Worsen the Economic Growth?

Carlândia Brito Santos Fernandes



Optimal Monetary Policy and Uncertainly: The Case of EMCCA

Assoumou Ondo



“Fine, Mr. Feola, but have You agreed to all of that with the Russians?” An Analysis of the Determinants of Soccer Match Outcomes

Ari F. de AraújoJúnior, André Carraro, Régis A. Ely and Cláudio D. Shikida



Empowering Women: The Effect of Inheritance Rights on Stunting among Children in India

Divya Balasubramaniam



Socioeconomic Preponderant of Garbage Destination in the Rural Areas of Brazil

Roque Pinto de Camargo Neto, Gabrielito Rauter Menezes and Patrízia Raggi Abdallah



Mediator Effect: The Role of Affective Image in Tourism Industry

Cheng-Ta Lin, Su Yu-Ling, Ling-Yu Chen and Pei-Ying Lin



The Antitrust Flexible Nested Logit Model

Sergio A. DeSouza



Causality between Electricity Consumption and Output: Evidence from Indian States during 1987-2010

Biswa Swarup Misra









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