The Empirical Economics Letters


A Monthly International Journal of Economics


ISSN 1681- 8997


Indexed in EconLit and included in Cabell’s Directory



Volume 8          Number 3         March 2009


Khalid Kisswani

Demand Relations for Refrigerated Grapefruit Juice in the US



Yi-Chi Chen

Consistent Estimation of Threshold AR(1) Models in Dynamic Panels: A Monte Carlo Study



Ranasinghe P. K. C. Malmini

Modeling Ensemble of Stock Prices Using Power Law



James J. Kung and Andrew P. Carverhill    

Bond Maturity and its Implications for Bond Repurchase


Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Georg Maximilian Zett and Matthias Traut

The Production Function of PISA Scores: A Comparison between Japan and Swtizerland



Salih Barışık and Emrah İsmail Çevik

Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Sector-Specific Unemployment in Turkey



Jin-Li Hu, Chin-Yi Fang and Tsung-Hsien Kuo

The Linkage of Global Raw Material Prices and Taiwan’s CPI Level



Christian Pfeifer

Risk Aversion and Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from German Survey Data



Eggoh C. Jude

The Non-Linear Link between Finance and Growth: A Threshold Panel Approach



George Emm. Halkos and Nickolaos G. Tzeremes

Malmquist Productivity Index and Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index in the Greek Health Sector



Yi-Chung Hsu and Chi-Chuan Lee

Book Value Thresholds Effects in the Stock Price-Earnings Relation: A Panel Data Approach



Imre Fertő and Lajos Zoltán Bakucs

Gibrat’s Law Revisited in a Transition Economy: The Hungarian Case





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